st. Krzhizhanovskogo, 14, building 3., office. 202,
Moscow, Russia, 117218
+7 (495) 108-58-37

List of Accredited CABs


Registry of Conformity assessment bodies (CAB), accredited by the Accreditation Body AAC «Analitica» as of 01/17/2025


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International accreditation news from 12/26/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new environmental organizations on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.T.00756 and AAC.A.00757 were received:

  •  Testing Laboratory of the Volgodonsk branch of the Limited Liability Company Vetrostroydetal (VSD LLC) 
  •  Assay and analytical laboratory of LLC "Vesely Mine"

International accreditation news from 12/23/2024
The Association "Analitica" congratulates the new CABs on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.A.00754 and AAC.A.00755 were received by:

  • Assay and analytical laboratory of Bogolyubovskoye Limited Liability Company
  • Ecological laboratory of CENTER OF IZYSKANII LLC

International accreditation news from 06.12.2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
I received a certificate with the number AAC.A.00753:

  • Chemical and analytical laboratory of LLC "Iron Ridge"

International accreditation news from 05.11.2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
Certificates with the numbers AAC.A.00746, AAC.A.00749, AAC.A.00750, AAC.A.00751 and AAC.Z.00752 were received by:

  • Laboratory of Metrological Control and Supervision of Karelian Okatysh JSC
  • Laboratory of gamma Activation Analysis of Joint Stock Company PAVLIK Gold Ore Company
  • Central factory Laboratory of the Directorate for Quality and Ecology of the Boguchansky Aluminum Plant Joint-Stock Company (BoAZ JSC)
  • Assay and Analytical Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Teutejak Mine" (LLC "Teutejak Mine")
  • Analytical Laboratory of the Research Institute of Applied Materials Science Joint-Stock Company "North-Western Regional Center of the East Kazakhstan Region Concern"Almaz-Antey — Obukhov Plant

International accreditation news from 10/25/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
I received a certificate with the number AAC.A.00748:

  • Testing laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "LABORATORY E4" (LLC "LABORATORY E4")

International accreditation news from 18.10.2024
The Association "Analitica" congratulates new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.T.00744, AAC.T.00745, AAC.A.00747 were received by:

  • Non-destructive testing laboratory of Energospetsmontazh LLC
  • Non-destructive testing laboratory of BVK Limited Liability Company
  • Production laboratory of Himteco LLC

International accreditation news from 09/27/2024
The Association "Analitica" congratulates new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.
The certificate with number AAC.T.00743 was received by:

  • Testing center of the Limited Liability Company "Kiberstal"

International accreditation news from 09/20/2024
The Association "Analitica" congratulates new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.
The certificate with the number AAC.A.00740 was received by:

  • Chemical-analytical laboratory of the Department of Mineral Resources, Division "Natural Resources" of the Limited Liability Partnership Foreign Enterprise "SGS Kazakhstan LTD" at the Raigorodok gold deposit

International accreditation news from 09/13/2024
The Association "Analitica" congratulates new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.
The certificate with number AAC.A.00741 was received by:

  • Assay and analytical laboratory of the Joint-Stock Company "Gold Mining Company "Omchak"

International accreditation news from 06.09.2024
The Association "Analitica" congratulates new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.
The certificate with number AAC.T.00742 was received by:

  • Non-destructive testing laboratory of JSC "ATOMMASHEXPORT"

International accreditation news from 08/30/2024
The Association "Analitica" congratulates new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.
The certificate with number AAC.A.00739 was received by:

  • Central plant laboratory of the Joint-Stock Company "Machine-Building Plant "Armalit»

International accreditation news from 08/16/2024
The Association "Analitica" congratulates new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.
The certificate with number AAC.T.00738 was received by:

  • Department of non-destructive testing of Joint-Stock Company "Sinarsky Pipe Plant"

International accreditation news from 07/26/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
Certificate number AAC.A.00737 was received by:
 • Control and Analytical laboratory of the Central Factory Laboratory 32 TSL of JSC TOAZ

International accreditation news from 07/05/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificate number AAC.T.00736 was received by:

  • Testing laboratory of Medtechnika Ltd. LLC

International accreditation news from 06/21/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.A.00731, AAC.A.00733 and ААС.А.00735 were received by:

  •  Destructive testing laboratory of Karbofer Metservice LLC
  •  Testing laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "EUROCERTIFIC"

International accreditation news from 06/14/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
The certificate with the number AAC.A.00734 was received:

  • A separate division of the Bulk Cargo Laboratory of the Joint-Stock Company "Central Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research and Design Institute of the Navy" (JSC "TSNIIMF") in the port of Nakhodka (75)

International accreditation news from 06/07/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
Certificates with the numbers AAC.A.00729 and AAC.A.00732 were received:

  • Testing laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Crystal Survey Service"
  • Testing laboratory of the Non-public Joint Stock Company "Vitasol"

International accreditation news from 05/31/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
Certificates with the numbers AAC.T.00727, AAC.A.00728 and AAC.A.00730 were received:
 • Central Factory Laboratory of JSC Rakityansky Rebar Plant
• Gavrilovo-Posadskaya Veterinary Laboratory of the Budgetary state Institution of the Ivanovo region "Gavrilovo-Posadskaya district station for the control of animal diseases" (BSU of the Ivanovo region "GavPosadray SBBZH")
• Testing laboratory of Drilling and grouting solutions LLC "Geotechnovation"

International accreditation news from 04/26/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificate number AAC.A.00725 was received by:

  •  Testing laboratory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPA SB RAS)

International accreditation news from 04/19/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificate number AAC.T.00726 was received by:

  • Laboratory of non-destructive testing and diagnostic methods of the Central Laboratory of Welding and Technical Control of the Limited Liability Company "Corporation of Joint Stock Company "Electrosevkavmontazh".

International accreditation news from 04/12/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
I received a certificate with the number AAC.A.00724:

  • Department of Physico-Chemical and In-depth Research of the Limited Liability Company Samara Scientific Design and Research Institute of Oil Production (SamaraNIPIneft LLC)

International accreditation news from 03/15/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
I received a certificate with the number AAC.A.00723:

  • Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Specialized organization of the energy engineering industrial cluster" (LLC "Spetsenergomash")

International accreditation news from 02/16/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.A.00714, AAC.A.00715AAC.A.00719AAC.A.00721 and AAC.T.00722 were received by:

  • Sanitary-industrial laboratory of JSC "Ammonia"
  • Basic laboratory of the State Unitary Enterprise PEO "Baikonurenergo" Baikonur
  • Chemical-analytical laboratory of the Research Center of ProTech Engineering LLC
  • Technical control department TSM ENERJİ İNŞAAT SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ

  • Laboratory No. 2 of the Testing Center for Building Materials and Structures of the Public Joint-Stock Company “Northern Construction Directorate” (Laboratory No. 2 of the ICSMC PJSC “SUS”)

International accreditation news from 02/09/2024

The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.T.00718 and AAC.A.00720 were received by:

  • Central plant laboratory of Modern Pipeline Systems LLC
  • Separate division Testing laboratory "Krasnoyarsk" (OP IL "Krasnoyarsk") (OOO "ALS Chita — Laboratory")

International accreditation news from 02.02.2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.T.00713 and AAC.T.00717 were received by:
     • Testing laboratory for monitoring the technical condition of medical devices of JSC “Medtechnika Plant”
     • Laboratory of non-destructive testing of TPE-ATOM LLC

International accreditation news from 01/26/2024
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
The certificate with number AAC.T.00716 was received by:

  •  Testing laboratory for corrosion and mechanical properties of metals NPAO NPO "VNIITneft"

International accreditation news from 12/29/2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers from AAC.A.00709 to AAC.A.00712 were received by:

  • Chemical-analytical laboratory of LLC GRK Bystrinskoye
  • Chemical-analytical laboratory Pravourmiyskoye LLC
  • Test center of Joint Stock Company "New Register"
  • Department for Core and Reservoir Fluids Research of the Limited Liability Company "RN-BashNIPIneft" (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC)

International accreditation news from November 24, 2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.A.00707 and AAC.A.00708 were received by:

  • Physico-chemical laboratory of the Central Research Laboratory of the Public Joint-Stock Company "Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Association"
  • Laboratory of LLC “RESEARCH CENTER”

International accreditation news from 11/17/2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.A.00704 and AAC.A.00706 were received by:

  • Assay and analytical laboratory of the “Archikoy” site of the “Rudny” quarry of JSC “Priisk Solovyovsky”
  • Smoking laboratory of JSC Philip Morris Izhora

News of international accreditation dated 03.11.2023
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on the successful passage of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
A certificate with the number AAC.00705 received:

  • Analytical Laboratory LLC Omolonskaya Goldenfoot Company

News of international accreditation dated 10/13/2023
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on the successful passage of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
A certificate with the number AAC.00701 received:

  • Laboratory for the chemical analysis of the joint-stock company "Izhevskiy Experimental and Mechanical Plant"

News of international accreditation dated 10/06/2023
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on the successful passage of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
A certificate with the number AAC.00703 received:

  • Test Center JSC "TsNIIMF"

News of international accreditation dated 09/22/2023
The Analytics Association congratulates new laboratories on the successful passage of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
A certificate with the number AAC.00702 received:

  • Testing laboratory of instrumental control of the technical condition Medical products LLC Metrology in Medicine

International accreditation news from 09/08/2023
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on successfully completing accreditation with our body and receiving an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers AAC.A.00698 and AAC.T.00700 were received by:

  • Microbiology Laboratory of JSC "EFKO"
  • Metal Research Laboratory of VolgaStalProject LLC (LIM VolgaStalProject LLC)

News of international accreditation dated 01.09.2023

The Analytics Association congratulates new laboratories on the successful passage of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

A certificate with the number AAС.00699 received:

  • Topframe Agro Limited Labor Laboratory Laboratory

News of international accreditation from 25.08.2023
The Analytics Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.
The certificate with the number AAC.A.00697 was received by:

  • Laboratory for Testing Ion Exchange Resins (LIIOS) of the Limited Liability Company of the Research and Production Association "TOKEM" (LLC NPO "TOKEM")

News of international accreditation dated 11.08.2023
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on the successful passage of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers from AAC.T.00694 to AAC.A.00696 received:

  • Testing Laboratory LLC NPO "Geodor"
  • Testing Center of the State Budget Institution of the Republic of Komi "Republican Veterinary Laboratory"
  • The Scientific and Analytical Center of the April Branch of the NEGA "Federal State Budget Institution" All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute "

International accreditation news from 07/28/2023 
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers AAC.00692 and AAC.00693 received:

  • Stationary Electric laboratory of testing and measurements of limited liability company "New transformer technologies-engineering company"
  • Testing laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "SI AIS Novorossiysk"


News of international accreditation from 07.21.2023
The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on the successful passage of accreditation in our body and obtaining international certificate.
A certificate with the number AAС.00691 received:

  • Central factory laboratory of ASCOLD JSC

International accreditation news from 07.07.2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates new laboratories on the successful passage of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers from AAC.A.00687 to AAC.Z.00690 were received: 

  • Testing laboratory of the Department of Mineral Raw Materials of the Limited Liability Partnership Foreign Enterprise"SZHS Kazakhstan LTD" at the coal mine TOO "Kazakhmys Coal" (Molodezhny)
  • Agrolaboratory of the Branch "KCHK" of JSC "URALCHEM" in the city of Kirovo-Chepetsk
  • Measurement and Control Center of Tolyatti Transformer LLC
  • Central Factory Laboratory of the Joint-Stock Company "North-Western Regional Center of the Concern of East Kazakhstan Region "Almaz-Antey" — Obukhov Plant"

International accreditation news from 06/02/2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers from AAC.T.00684 to AAC.T.00686 were received:

  • Testing Laboratory of Non-destructive testing of JSC NPO TSNIITMASH
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Collective use-service laboratory of complex analysis of chemical compounds of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Russian Academy of Agriculture named after K. A. Timiryazev

International accreditation news from 05/05/2023 
The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
Certificates with the numbers AAC.A.00682 and AAC.A.00683 received: 

  • Uralstroysertification Test Center for Construction Products Limited Liability Companies "URALSTROYSERTIFICATION-AMK"
  • Radiation Control Laboratory of LLC "Vtorchermet NLMK West"

News of international accreditation from 04/21/2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and receiving an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers AAC.A.00680 and AAC.A.00681 received:

  • Testing laboratory of mineral raw materials and fertilizers in Novorossiysk of the Department of laboratory testing Region South of the branch of JSC "SGS Vostok Limited" in Novorossiysk
  • Testing Laboratory Baikal Geochemical Center of the Limited Liability Company "Center of Geocryology of Moscow State University"

News of international accreditation from 03/24/2023
Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratory on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
The certificate with the number ААС.Т.00679 was received by:

  • Central Laboratory of Bench Testing of Valves of Znamya Truda JSC Plant

News of international accreditation from 03/15/2023
Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratory on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
The certificate with the number AAC.A.00678 was received by:

  • Assay and analytical laboratory of OOO Kutynskaya GGK

News of international accreditation from 28/02/2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers AAC.A.00676 and AAC.A.00677 were received by:

  • Limited Liability Company ProfEcoMonitoring (LLC ProfEcoMonitoring)
  • Basic Laboratory Center for Coal of the Separate Subdivision "All-Russian Research Geological Prospecting Institute of Coal Deposits" of the Joint-Stock Company "Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Raw Materials"

News of international accreditation from 02/17/2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers ААС.А.00673, ААС.Z.00674 and AAC.Т.00675 were received by:

  • Radiation monitoring laboratory of Positron Limited Liability Company
  • Central laboratory of the plant JSC EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works
  • Laboratory of non-destructive testing LLC "SpetspromKonstruktsiya"

International accreditation news from 02/03/2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratory on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with the numbers AAC.Z.00671 and AAC.A.00672 received:

  • Testing Laboratory of the Center for Science and Technology of Hydrocarbon Production of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
  • Analytical Center of the Joint-Stock Company "Institute of Petrochemical Processing" (JSC "INHP")

International accreditation news from 01/20/2023

The «Analitica» Association congratulates the new laboratory on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

The certificate with the number AAC.A.00670 was received by:

  • Testing laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "Ecosystem"

News of international accreditation from 12/29/2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers AAC.T.00667AAC.Т.00668, AAC.A.00669 were received by:

  • Department of technical control, innovations and developments of WellProp LLC
  • Analytical laboratory of Vostok GeoService Partner LLC
  • Testing laboratory of the Autonomous non-profit organization "Society for the Protection of the Nature of Crimea"
News of international accreditation from 12/23/2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratories on successfully passing accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers from AAC.A.00658 to AAC.А.00666 were received:

  • Nuclear and Radiation Safety Service of Afrikantov OKBM JSC
  • Testing and Control Laboratory of AKTAN LLC
  • Laboratory of Geomechanics and Engineering Research Limited Liability Company "Polyus Project"
  • Laboratory of chemical analysis of a separate subdivision of NOVATEK-LNG fuel LLC — Natural Gas Liquefaction Complex (NGNG), Magnitogorsk 
  • Petroanalitika LLC
  • Laboratory of the Saratov Gas Rescue Team of Saratov VGSO LLC
  • Testing laboratory of mineral raw materials of a separate subdivision of JSC "SZHS Vostok Limited" in the village. Shakhtersk
  • Testing laboratory in Khabarovsk of the Branch of SGS Vostok Limited JSC in Chita
  • Testing laboratory for petroleum products Joint Stock Company Polyus Logistics
News of international accreditation from 12/16/2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratory on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
The certificate with the number AAC.А.00657 was received by: 

  • Analytical Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company "EcoTestService"
International accreditation news from 12/09/2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratories on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers from AAC.Z.00652 to  AAC.А.00655 were received:

  • Testing Laboratory for Clean Industrial Premises and Clean Environments JSC NPP Istok named after Shokin
  • Quality Control Service of the Joint-Stock Company "Connecting Branches of Pipelines"
  • Assay and analytical laboratory of LLC "Shturmovskaya Mine"
  • Testing laboratory of the Rostov Separate Subdivision of KOTEKNA INSPECTION LLC (Vostok)
News of international accreditation from 11/12/2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratories on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.

Certificates with numbers from AAC.А.00647 to AAC.Т.00651 were received by:

  • Department of Technological Research LLC "NOVOMEK ENGINEERING".
  • Testing Laboratory of the Department of Chemicalization of Production Processes of the Limited Liability Company RN-BashNIPIneft (LLC RN-BashNIPIneft).
  • Factory laboratory of the Closed Joint Stock Company "Kurganspetzarmatura" (ZL CJSC "KSA").
  • Testing center Expert-Center JSC "NIKIMT-Atomstroy".
  • Laboratory of non-destructive testing of the limited liability company "Kiberstal".
News of international accreditation from 10/21/2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratory on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
The certificate with the number AAC.Т.00646 was received by:

  • Testing construction laboratory LLC "EUCRST"
News of international accreditation from 10/14/2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratories on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.Certificates with numbers from AAC.A.00643 to AAC.A.00645 received:

  • Plant laboratory of the quality service of the Joint-Stock Company "Krasnoyarsk Electric Car Repair Plant" (ZL SK JSC "KrEVRZ")
  • National Reference Laboratory for Applied Research and Diagnostics (NRLASD)
  • Laboratory and Research Center LLC NOVATEK NTC
News of international accreditation from 16/09/2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratories on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers from AAC.A.00641 to AAC.T.00642 were received by:

  •  Testing laboratory LLC "Baltic Control Novorossiysk"
  •  Central Factory Laboratory of the Limited Liability Company “Production Company Oka” (TsZL LLC “PF “Oka”)
News of international accreditation from 05.09.2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratory on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
Certificate with number AAC.T.00640 received:

  • Central Testing Laboratory of the Joint-Stock Company "Podolsk Plant of Electrical Products"
News of international accreditation from 16.08.2022

Association "Analitica" congratulates the new laboratories on the successful completion of accreditation in our body and obtaining an international certificate.
Certificates with numbers from AAC.T.00638 to AAC.T.00639 were received by:

  • Central plant laboratory of the Joint Stock Company "Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant" Kupol "(TsZL JSC" IEMZ "Kupol")
  • Central Factory Laboratory Closed Joint Stock Company Saratov Valves Plant
ААЦ «Аналитика» st. Krzhizhanovskogo, 14, building 3., office. 202, Moscow, Russia, 117218 +7 (495) 108-58-37